Saturday 20 October 2012

Flat plan

My flat plan is based on the October 2012 issue of "Clash' magazine, here is an image of the front cover:

Clash magazine is a music publication that is primarily aimed at older teenagers and young adults. The influence of the target audience is portrayed in many different ways, mainly through the deliberate choice of adverts which are the main give away as to the age of readers that clash are aiming for. For example, there are a few adverts surrounding alcohol which show that the average age would usually be around 18+. Alongside these adverts, there are also quite a few fashion adverts such as Levi's. These adverts back up other prominant articles throughout the magazine that refer to fashion and the way in which fashion and music combine in the world of media.

From this, I have learnt that it is possible to create a successful and effective music/fashion magazine because there is space in the market for this idea as it's quite a new concept and could be viewed as being different which would persuade people to buy into this new concept. I have decided from this that I will make a music and fashion magazine combined together because it's also of more interest to me and therefore I feel that I could use more passion and determination to compose a magazine and fulfill the task to my full potential.

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